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Why a Kit car?


You may ask, "why would you do all of this to a kit car?" "Arent Kit car Junk?"


Well to answer the first question:

Why would you do all this to a Kit Car?

When you buy an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) car, someone else has decided the entire car for you. You like it or you dont. You dont get to choose except from a very limited amount of options they provide for you to choose from. In a kit car you get to decide everything. The motor, transmission, interior, bodywork, wheels, brakes and tons more. The gives you, if your skilled enought to do it, the opportunity to not be just another car tuner guy, but rather a car designer and builder. No one will have a car exactly like yours. It is not an easy nor cheap journey. Whether it is a replica, or an original design like the GTR is. Its entirely yours. To some this is more important than anything else.


Arent kit cars junk?

To be honest many kit cars are junk, not becuase all kit cars are junk, but because the person(s) who tried to build them took short cuts, or didnt have the experience, skill, time, or the wallet to do it right. This has plagued the very ideology of the term kit or component car. To the skilled, and or experienced mechanic these cars are a journey, in which the acquired skills are put to the test, as well as the ability to learn as you go. I have had more than 30+ years of fixing things. Yet I learn new things every day. If you approach a kit car build realistically, and set a time table that you can actually make happen, then a kit car can be a very fun thing to do. All too often the romance of owning a kit car is replaced with the reality of what it will take to finish. Often many kits are sold long before they are ready for the road. This often gives them a bad name.


The idea of what a kit car is, is often not appropriately classified. Its simply a car that is created from many parts of other cars. This is done behind the scenes in the automotive industry all the time, you just dont know it. You recieve a complete and ready to drive car. You would never guess as many as a thousand manufacturers were used to create that one car. A kit car uses the same ideas, yet you can have a sleek, powerful, rare car that is hand made. Something many of us will never know what thats like. Hand made cars were a promotional point decades ago, as a hand made car has much more attention to detail than a robot built car.


In the end, a Kit Car is an amazing journey with a massive reward at the end. No matter the result, it will be your car, and no one will be able to copy you. Its not about resale value, its about the journey. Have fun and enjoy what you've made with your own two hands!



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